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If you're curious, want to learn more or have questions,

click below and hop on a free call with me.


1:1 Coaching 

Designed to help you connect deeply with yourself, move through your limitations, and experience more alignment, clarity, and purpose in your life.

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A four months deep dive into your inner world, healing trauma and past conditioning, remembering you true essence   and awakening your consciousness

Group- or 1:1 Guidance

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As a yoga and breath work facilitator I host classes and workshops around the world. Follow me on instagram to stay updated.

It's for you if ...

... you're struggling with your self-worth

... you're feeling stuck 

... you feel unclear about what you actually want

... you're missing purpose or meaning in your life

... you want to unleash your full potential 

... you want to rediscover your true essence

... you want to grow and evolve mentally, emotionally, spiritually

... you have a feeling more is possible but you've been held back by fears


Parts Work 





95% of our lives (feelings, thoughts and actions) is run by our subconscious mind. 

During Hypnosis you are being guided into a hypnotic state where your brainwaves shift into theta wave frequency. This state gives us access to the subconscious, making it possible to explore belief structures and to alter them.

has been practiced by many cultures for thousands of years. It's a consciousness changing technique that encourages heightened states of awareness and connects us to the present moment. 

Meditation can be used to connect with our body, mind and emotions and combined with visualisation it's a powerful tool to explore the past, present and future.

Traumatic experiences trap energy in our body. These blocks can lead to tension not only on a physical but also on a mental and emotional level. 


Breathwork helps to move this energy through emotional and physical release, making it possible to reimprint past memories. It bring our system back into balance and Furthermore lets us tap into altered states of consciousness.


The disruption of energy in your body can cause pain and negative emotions.


The Emotional Freedom Technique uses acupressure points to move blocked energy in the body. This can help to restore balance in the body and when praticed frequently can reduce the emotional charge of situations and beliefs making it possible to establish new, more empowering beliefs.

we all have different parts (sub-personalities) within ourselves.

Early on in life we learn to repress 'unwanted' parts into the subconscious. This can lead to inner conflict because although not consciously aware of it these parts are still active. Having different fears & motivations this dissonance can block us in our lives

What to expect

Create goals and visions that are in alignment with your hearts desires. Pushing you beyond your comfort zone, to showing up for yourself and to creating the results you want to see.

Awakening from the limited perceptions and victimhood, you will gain a deep understanding of your reality. You will realise your true potential and your hearts desires. You will start taking full responsibility for your life.


trauma and wounds of the past. Identification of limited beliefs and inner conflicts that block you from moving forward. Clearing blocks and helping you learn how to accept and love yourself again. 



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